Chronic Venous Disease
Causes Signs and Symptoms
Venixxa for chronic venous disease
Suffering in Silence – Two Women Share Their Journey with Chronic Venous Disease
An estimated 20% of Canadian adults experience symptoms of chronic venous disease, every year, and yet many people are unaware their symptoms are related to this conditioni.
Like many chronic illnesses, chronic venous disease can often go undiagnosed, manifesting through symptoms including heavy, painful, swollen legs. It can be hard to find solutions when you don’t fully understand the cause of your discomfort. In this article, two women share their experiences and journey to find relief from chronic venous disease.
Nathalie’s Story
Nathalie had been dealing with chronic venous disease for over nine years and had assumed her symptoms were job-related, as she works in a field that keeps her on her feet for many hours of the day.
“I thought my painful legs and the swelling at the end of the day was just caused by standing and running around as a nurse all day,” she said. “I really didn’t think it was something chronic, and could be treated.”
Thankfully for Nathalie, learning she had chronic venous disease was the first step to finding relief. After describing her symptoms, she was able to get a venous ultrasound performed, which ultimately led to her diagnosis. Nathalie began taking Venixxa, an over-the-counter natural health product taken orally to help manage her symptoms.
“Venixxa has helped reduce the feeling of pain and heaviness in my legs,” she said.
Geneviève’s Story
Like Nathalie, Geneviève also dealt with symptoms of chronic venous disease for many years.
“As an account manager, I’m often on the phone or in front of my computer for many hours of the day,” Geneviève explained. “My legs were very swollen, and in pain, I had even developed varicose veins. My legs felt heavy too, which didn’t seem normal to me.”
When Geneviève consulted her doctor, she learned her symptoms were related to chronic venous disease. But with her diagnosis came the information she needed to finally manage and treat her symptoms.
“When my doctor told me about Venixxa, and I learned it is a natural health product, for me it was an automatic go,” said Geneviève.
*Video only available in French.
Managing Chronic Venous Disease with Venixxa
According to Dr. Beverly Chan , a vascular surgeon at Vascular Health Bronte in Oakville, Ontario, chronic venous disease is very common.
“Many of my patients experience leg pain and say their legs are really heavy, swollen and uncomfortable, but unfortunately; a lot of them don’t know what it means until they come and see me,” said Dr. Chan.
“People often associate these symptoms as being a natural part of aging, but they don’t realize that it is an actual disease.”
Chronic venous disease occurs when the vein walls or valves in the legs dilate and stop working effectively, making it difficult for blood to return to the heart from the legs. When this happens, blood begins to pool in the affected areas, which can damage the leg veins and cause disease progression.
But thankfully, there are several ways to manage and prevent symptoms of chronic venous disease. According to Dr. Chan, exercise, including 30 minutes of walking every day can help.
“It’s important to keep your body moving. I often advise my patients to take breaks at work, so they’re not sitting or standing for long periods at a time.”
Over-the-counter products like Venixxa can also help.
“Venixxa is a natural health product made from immature oranges,” Dr. Chan explained. “These bioflavonoids can help reduce pain, heaviness and swelling.” Venixxa has helped many Canadians including Nathalie and Geneviève find the relief they need.
“It’s important to listen to your body,” Geneviève said. “Yes, we get older, but getting older doesn’t mean suffering. There are solution.”
“I no longer have to put my legs up, or rest them throughout the day,” Nathalie said. “It has changed my lifestyle.”
Venixxa, which is taken orally, is available online and over-the-counter at many pharmacies across Canada.
- i. Leger 2019, Servier, Venixxa Patient Journey: Chronic Venous Disease. Quantitative Research Report, pp 20. (On File)